We investigate as Gohan and discover that Puar is shape-shifting into Yamcha while he's gone to maintain his reputation with the ladies until he can he wished back. My favorite of these side quests was when Oolong thought he saw the ghost of Yamcha. This leads to interactions with characters who get next to no screen time during Dragon Ball Z at this point, including Puar, Launch, and more. This sort of "peacetime" gameplay between sagas will be an ongoing and incredibly enjoyable aspect of the game. We get a lot of time, if we take advantage of it, to go through slice-of-life adventures back on Earth while Goku heals up. One of the major differences between the story of the anime and manga and the way everything plays out in the game is what happens in-between sagas.

Credit: Bandai Namco A brief intermission I was curious how Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot would handle this specifically because it does have to be an iconic and intense battle, but drawing it out too long would make for tedious gameplay. The countdown to the destruction of Namek, which was meant to last just minutes, seemed to last an eternity. The Frieza Saga is one of the most celebrated storylines in all of anime but also has been the subject of parody due to the long and drawn-out climax between Goku and Frieza.